Frequently Asked Questions
Why the $4 million goal?
Raising $4 million over the next three years provides vital tools necessary to reach and connect 1,200 people across the East Texas area. These financial resources will allow us to purchase property in north Longview and begin construction on a first phase facility. We will also be able to make some much needed repairs and renovations on our existing campus while remaining debt free.
What if we don’t meet the goal?
If we do not raise the $4 million, it means that the launch of a north campus will be delayed and we await the funding needed for facility construction. Our goal is to be as effective as possible in reaching those who are far from God. We feel the urgency to reach as many people as possible. Time is short and each one of us is on a journey towards eternity.
If we are unable to launch a north campus, we will need to make additional renovations to our current facility in order to continue reaching people while we await additional funding.
What if we raise more than the $4 million?
If we are able to raise more than $4 million, this will allow us to consider additional expansion options, such as a larger phase one project. In the short-term, additional funds will also decrease the risk of having to borrow money to fund our expansion efforts.
When will we begin construction on our north campus?
We believe that our church can rise to the challenge and fund this incredible project. Our plan is to begin construction once funds are available to do so. Projections suggest that construction could begin in the fall of 2019 with completion sometime in the summer of 2020.
Why aren’t we spending more money on renovations?
We believe that God has called us to be good stewards of our resources. The long-term journey of Oakland Heights Baptist Church will result in a future north campus. We must use our finances in the most effective way to grow the Kingdom.
How may I prepare to participate?
Allow God to speak to your heart through prayer. This spring, our church community will journey through 30 days of solid prayer leading up to our FOCUS kick-off. Read Scripture passages that speak about stewardship, generosity and giving such as: 1 Corinthians 16:2, Proverbs 11:25, Proverbs 3:5-9, 2 Corinthians 8:7, Psalm 116:12, Luke 6:38 and Acts 20:35.
How long will my commitment be?
You are asked to consider making a 36 month commitment but your giving can be weekly, monthly, annually or however you choose.
I am already tithing to support OHBC. what am i being asked to do for FOCUS?
We are asking everyone to consider a commitment over and above your current contribution to OHBC. We believe that the best place for ongoing and intentional ministry for the future of OHBC is the general fund. This is where the lion’s share of our ministry efforts take place day in and day out, and we humbly ask for your continued significant participation. With strong financial general fund giving, we are able to also support future expansion through the general fund.
If I cannot give a large amount, does my pledge really matter?
Absolutely! All commitments matter and are desperately needed regardless of the amount. The size of the contribution is not as important as every family sacrificing to do what they can. The Bible teaches that God multiplies our giving.
When are we expected to make our pledge?
We will all turn our commitment cards in on Sunday, May 6 at 10:30 a.m. We will have one huge commitment service that morning.
Do I have to be a church member to participate in this effort?
No. Participation in this campaign is a personal, spiritual decision for each of us. Anyone who loves the work at Oakland Heights Baptist Church is encouraged to give and to participate. Our desire is to continue to fulfill our mission of connecting people to Jesus Christ in the most effective way possible.
What if I have other questions?
Feel free to contact Brian & Merideth Steele or Joncie & Betsy Young, our campaign leaders, or Mandy Henderson, our Financial Coordinator. Their contact information is listed below.
Brian & Merideth Steele
Joncie & Betsy Young
Mandy Henderson