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Our Need

During the 2017 strategic planning process, it became apparent that there was a tremendous desire in the OHBC Body to have a real impact for Christ.  God led us to develop several key objectives.  We have mapped out plans to:

  • Reach 1200 worshipers every weekend 
  • Baptize 300 souls in three years 
  • Place mission teams on three different continents.

We knew we were asking God for something only He could do!  We also recognized that our congregation has become older and that we would need younger people and young families to help us accomplish such an enormous task.  

The OHBC family is committed to becoming the most healthy and effective body for Christ that we can be! To do this, we recognize that two important components must align and work in harmony.  Our hearts must be open to change, and new and updated tools will be needed to accomplish the mission!



Changing the Culture

Our priority needs to be centered around preparing our hearts for necessary change.  We must “Go to Work” for there is much to be done, but first we must ask God to do a great work in us.  Our fellowship has seen steady steps toward the commitment to three significant indicators of discipleship:  regular worship attendance, connection to a small group and to serving others.  Our hearts are being transformed from being “us-centered” and are being reshaped with a genuine focus on the needs of others.  Every single day our church is becoming more aware of the commitment it will take to take to leap forward with gigantic steps for the Kingdom of Christ.  


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Tools for Change

Our fellowship desires to start the necessary changes at home.  We have an aging facility that needs immediate repairs and renovation.  We want to remodel bathrooms, update our children’s playground and install a security door in the entrance of our children’s wing.   

The majority of our fellowship lives north of our current campus. To provide the capacity to serve 1,200 weekend worshipers, we want to acquire property and construct a new campus in the growing North Longview area.

Technology upgrades in our current Worship Center and our Family Life Center will allow us to offer two exciting worship services in the Fall of 2018.   Offering an additional option in worship style is essential if we hope to become a multigenerational church.