Our Vision
We are entering incredible days. Days of opportunity and days of challenge. Days of preparation and days of impact. Nothing will be more important than our focus. You have often heard me say, “Our focus will determine our finish.” We have determined our vision and clarified our objectives, focus will be the catalyst that keeps us tied to the tracks of completion. Our church family has decided to leave the comfort of the good to achieve God’s best. The following 36 months are vital. Many elements will emerge: renovation, expansion and growth to name a few. As God continues to bless us, I hope that we will be a thankful people. When we focus on gratitude, the tide of disappointment rolls out and the tide of love rushes in.
Focus: Progress for Today. Preparation for Tomorrow.
Our FOCUS encompasses a two-part action plan. Believers are reminded daily that there is much work to be done in our personal lives. We need to be able to share our faith, have a strong biblical foundation and be filled with a desire to serve others. “Progress for Today” speaks to the urgency and desire to have better ministry facilities. There are ministry tools that need to be upgraded immediately to better arm our fellowship for effectiveness. We must be our BEST where we are…never settling for good.
The second component of our action plan centers around, “Preparation for Tomorrow.” Our current location has changed dramatically over the last 60 years. Most of our facilities are 55 years old. Our current membership is comprised of families that drive from several surrounding communities. The center point of our fellowship is well north of our current location. Not only has our neighborhood changed, but Longview’s retail and residential locations continue to move northward. Preparing for tomorrow includes purchasing a parcel of land that will allow our church family boundless options in the future.
As we approach the coming days, I remind you that the starting point of all achievement is desire. Nothing will be accomplished without you and I making a huge commitment. Nothing ever remains the same. We are either progressing or we are shrinking back in decline. The needs outlined in this booklet express just part of the story. The countless lives we will see changed through this experience will tell the lasting story.