Make Great Decisions

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Make Great Decisions

Joshua 9


Mistakes that lead to poor decisions:


Placing too much trust in _______________ and _______________


Making decisions based on _______________


Failing to take the time to “____________________”


Refusing to ask _______________ from the Lord


When we make bad decisions:


____________________ to your role


_______________ God (word and commitment)


Confront the ____________________


_______________ the deceivers and protect from further ______________

Overcoming Obstacles in Transition

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Overcoming Obstacles in Transition

Joshua 6


When facing overwhelming odds in transition, ___________________.



When facing overwhelming odds in transition, do not yield to _______________.


Setbacks are actually _______________ for our ______________.


Our past failures/setbacks/messes often become messages of hope for _______________.


When facing overwhelming odds in transition, walls become _________________________.


Never yield to the thick walls of your opposition that are meant to drive you out of the race to your _______________!


When facing overwhelming odds in transition, release a new sound of _______________.


A unified shout of praise at the walls of your own obstacles bring God’s “yes” over ____________________.


When facing overwhelming odds in transition, _______________ God.

A Close Up of Transition

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A Close Up of Transition

Joshua 5:13-15; 6:1-2


_______________ to the Person of God will bring the ______________ of God.


Verse 13 Takeaways:


Whenever there is transition and change there will be _______________.


When you fear God…you do not need to ___________________________!


Verse 14-15 Takeaways:


When we become _______________ and _______________ in our worship, we need not expect to understand the will of God in our life.


The _______________ of God and the _______________ of God are linked together.


When we worship God, He will come to us in the _______________ that we need Him!


Chapter 6:1-2 Takeaways:


It is essential that we encounter God’s _______________.


God gives the outcome…_______________!