Rediscover the Characters of Christmas

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Rediscover the Characters of Christmas

Luke 2:8-16


What are “_______________” doing there?


Shepard _______________


The baby is described in three ways:


___________________ - ___________________


___________________ - ___________________


___________________ - ___________________


Shepard ________________



When God visits the planet, ________________ people are the first to get an invitation!


A simple prayer in our heart:  ______________________



What is “_____” doing there?


The birth of Jesus sets the entire stage perspective on being _______________ focused.


A simple prayer in our heart:  ______________________




Rediscover Christmas Series

November 29  Rediscover the Villain of Christmas

December 6     Rediscover the Story of Christmas

December 13   Rediscover the Background of Christmas

December 20   Rediscover the Characters of Christmas